Inbreeding analiza - Indian Lake Hydrargium

Inbreeding Calculator Beta

by Sam Kauffman of Zika Hamstery

Information and instructions



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    Broj generacija: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
    Cry Out Eminem
    LOI 01/113038
    Missing On The Pack Della Farha
    LOI TC 069498
    Beleg Di Doriath

    Camila della Farha
    LOI TC049399

    Remember Me of Doghouse Farm
    LOI 01/4870
    Doc-Dolittle V.D. Doghouse Farm
    OHZB HSK 1760
    Karnovanda's Sevastian
    WP 443438/01
    Huskavarna's Donatello
    AKC WG 484308
    Karnovanda's Beatrix Groznyi
    AKC WP 338587/01
    Karnovanda's Orphan Anne
    OHZB HSK 1743

    Easy Rider of Doghouse Farm

    Karnovanda's Lisette
    SLRSH - 000280 (AKC WP 939913/05)
    Karnovanda's The Future King
    AKC WP 789453/02
    Karnovanda's Sevastian
    WP 443438/01
    Huskavarna's Donatello
    AKC WG 484308
    Ranoria's Imp Of Perverse
    AKC WG217895
    Kontoki's Wake-Up Little Susie
    AKC WG 207652
    Karnovanda's Beatrix Groznyi
    AKC WP 338587/01
    Karnovanda's Padington Bear
    AKC WG 472398
    Karnovanda's Wahachee Fox
    AKC WG097415
    Karnovanda's Misha Bear
    WP 473914/03
    Karnovanda's Born on The Fourth
    AKC WP385025/01
    Kontoki's Dennis The Menace
    AKC WF 788159
    Karnovanda Lightning Strike
    AKC WG216421
    Karnovanda's Sylvia Groznyi
    AKC WG 208484
    Karnovanda's Care Bear
    AKC WF 684013
    Karnovanda's Aurora Felena
    AKC WF 638392
    Karnovanda's Fortissimo
    AKC WP 410845/03
    Tymberlynes Echo Call Vegas
    WF 984418

    Karnovanda's Askala Felena
    WG 209096
    Karnovanda's Care Bear
    AKC WF 684013
    Karnovanda's Some Kind Of Hero
    WF 358946
    Innisfree's Morning Mist
    WD 978087